
Treatment Type Single 3-Pack 6-Pack Treatment Time
Hands 75 200 350 30
Decollete 100 250 450 35
Double Chin Slimming 75 200 350 25
Express Face 200 500 900 45
Deluxe Face Rejuvenation 250 650 1200 60
Arms 175 450 750 45
Tummy 325 875 1600 35
Waist and Back 325 875 1600 35
Thighs 325 875 1600 35
Glutes 325 875 1600 35
Upper Body 250 650 1200 35
Add a Zone–buy one body treatment zone add a 2nd 600 1600 3000 75


Treatment Type Single 3-Pack 6-Pack Treatment Time
Anti-Aging 60 150 250 35
Clear Skin 60 150 250 35
Pain 60 150 250 35
Add-On to a CoolRestore treatment 35 90 150 25


Treatment Type Single 3-Pack 6-Pack Treatment Time
Hands + Celluma Add-on 110 290 500 55
Decollete + Celluma Add-on 135 340 600 60
Double Chin Slimming + Celluma Add-on 75 290 500 50
Express Face + Celluma Add-on 235 590 1050 70
Deluxe Face Rejuvenation + Celluma Add-on 285 740 1350 85
Arms + Celluma Add-on 210 540 900 70
Tummy + Celluma Add-on 360 965 1750 60
Waist and Back + Celluma Add-on 360 965 1750 60
Thighs + Celluma Add-on 360 965 1750 60
Glutes + Celluma Add-on 360 965 1750 60
Upper Body + Celluma Add-on 285 740 1350 90